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Traveling to Spain

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ColinBlue95 | 15:50 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | Travel
7 Answers
Can i travel to France and Spain with less than six months left on my passport ?


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Yes you can.


I appreciate the tongue in cheek answer

It was, wasn' it ?
No, it was a truthful and correct answer
-- answer removed --
Ethel has, as usual, posted a completely correct answer (which, for unaccountable reasons, others seem to want to mock).

If you'd like a more detailed reply (but which, in essence, says exactly the same as Ethel does), please see my post here: 617069.html

I wasn't mocking - far from it .

On the face of it , the answer would be yes , if you made certain assumptions .

However the question needed clarification , in order to give an a definite answer

i.e - when would the questioner be travelling - is it now ?
is it at a later date and if yes , what period would be left on the passport , when the travel commenced .
If you have British passport, and as long as you are in EU countries within the validity of your passport ... you can.

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Traveling to Spain

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