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In the past

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CarlSagan | 10:44 Sat 24th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Under different guises, i have lost myself a little and been forced by those that would sabotage the serenity of the AB, into acting out of character. But enough is enough, no longer will, I, Carl Sagan, bandy words with agitators and antagonists, and resort to words of insult and abuse. Also i refuse, no matter how much i am pushed to do so by the ladies, to talk any more about breasts, i just will not do it. So stop asking me about them. I will make a concerted effort to be polite and understanding and not keep referring to my good friend Gormless as a tw4t, regardless of his expertise in that field. So there i have said my peace!


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How frightfully nice of you to say so Lakitu. I really do hope you have a lovely day. x
And you :o)

I don't suppose you fancy washing my car for me, do you?
wanna see some puppies carl ?
Question Author
Just pop it round deary, i will give it the once over.
Question Author
Absolutely Dustinmyeye, I'll get my coat, what is the address?
your resolve lasted all of seven minutes impressed ;)
Question Author
Ho Ho Dustinmyeye, i am so glad you are in good spirits this morning, i am sure the sun is shining wherever you are today, do have a pleasant weekend won't you?
oh i am sure that i will thanks and you too carl :)
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Lakitu, you already have a car-washer lined up!

Carl.. my car? it's very nice...

and very very dirty!
Question Author
I think you will find the phrase is many "lunar phases" ago.
Alas no, i have merely named my self in homage to a brilliant scientist philosopher, i have tried to continue his work, but Jodrell Bank told me to go away and stop wasting their time or they would have me arrested. And rightly so too.
Do have a wonderful weekend.
Question Author
Sara, i will eventually get around to doing your car, incidentally what model is it so i can configure the correct amount of detergent to use, and the colour so i know the correct wax to buy?
of course. it's a black Alfa 147.

be gentle with it.
Question Author
Oh Sara, it will be a pleasure to wash your black Alpha, i will so enjoy getting it all soapy and sponging your rims.
do a good job.. don't forget the trim :o)
Oh and being a black car you should be able to get it to shine really well CarlSagan x

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