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cucumber price?

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gina32 | 20:15 Fri 23rd Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
just been shopping and went to buy a cucumber and it was �1.26, i nearly fell through the floor, is it the same everywhere?


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The ones in Tesco were �1.06. I thought that was bad enough but �1.26 is taking the pee!
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sainsburys were �1.39!!
Daylight robbery!
Aldi are cheaper, but the best cucumbers ever are the ones u grow urself, so cheap and taste great! xx I have grown mine for past 2 yrs, im 28 and have always killed everything! xx
It isn't the right season for cucumbers, so they are going to be expensive.

The ones in the shops now are imported and quite nasty
Beat this gina - I bought one this afternoon from a Co-op I passed. �1. 62p!!!
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i pay 50p from the fruit van that comes round every day lol
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�1.62, omg
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they may not be in season but they arent usually that price
Not only exhorbiitant cucumbers! How about �1.20 for an iceberg lettuce, at least �2 for decent tomatoes and salads are supposed to be good for us! Soon only Victoria Beckham will be able to afford the lettuce as she tosses it around her plate!!
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i paid 99p for my lettuce, that was enough

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cucumber price?

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