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123everton | 10:05 Wed 21st Jan 2009 | News
8 Answers
A court case has started today against the M.O.D about nuclear bomb tests in the Pacific and soldiers exposure to radiation as a result of this.
This is a case very close to my heart and am wondering is there a website I can go to to follow the progress of this trial?
Many thanks in advance.


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this looks like their website, but I don't see any coverage of the case
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Thanks, I've just bookmarked it, the case opens today.
In passing you might be interested in this man.

the development of nuclear weapons had a number of casulties.

Louis Slotkin had the insanely dangerous job of assembling part of a bomb at Los Alamos. He slipped. there was a criticality and although he knocked it away quickly enough to save the others in the room he died a few days later.

Of course he knew the risks of what he was doing and why he was doing it.

I don't think he got any compensation but he does have an asteroid named after him
The hearing that begins today is simply to determine whether or not the action should be "struck out" because it is time expired.

Nothing will be heard about the crux of the case, that is, whether the MoD was negligent in leaving servicemen exposed to radiation following the nuclear detonations.
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Yes Judge you are correct and I'm fully aware of that I still need to know though.
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Hi Steve, my old man was instructed to tie up nets upon the trees and along with the others turn his back to the blast and cover his eyes with his hands which when it went off meant he could see his bones.
The net did however prove fortuitous, as it caught the all the coconuts that fell off the trees.
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