I am about 6 weeks pregnant and the other day I had a fall and landed on my bum. Yesterday after going to the loo, I noticed some pinkish blood after wiping. I went to the doctors and I have been booked in for a scan on Friday. Anyway, after returning homefrom the doctors, I went to the loo again and I had more blood so I went to the hospital where I was told I might have a threatened miscarriage. Then when I returned home after the hospital I was bleeding like it is my period and I am also getting period cramps. I am really worried. Have I lost my baby? Please help. Thanks.
4get is right, you are not going to know until your scan.
Rest as much as you can, do not lift anything and be very careful.
There are a lot of women out there who have bled heavily in early pregnancy, and in later pregnancy and gone on to have healthy babies, so please dont give up hope.
all the best x
Sorry to give TMI but I have just been to the loo and the blood is really heavy and I have just found something on the pad that looks like some tissue that has come out. It is quite thick and pink with blood round it.
Keep the pad. Phone your doctors surgery and tell them what has happened. They will probably ask to see you. If Take the pad with you. It does sound as if you have had an early miscarriage, I am sorry to say.
Don't blame yourself because you fell. You probably would have miscarried anyway. Miscarriages this early are really quite common and some people don't even realise they are pregnant.
PS What is on the pad will give a doctor or midwife a very good idea of whether you have miscarried or not. Don't delay, especially if you are bleeding really heavily.
you could try calling the hospital and asking for the Early pregnancy Unit. they will be able to advise over the phone and perhaps bring your scan forward.
So sorry to hear what has happened. I hope everything will be ok but I'm afraid to say it doesn't sound good. Can you not phone the EPU now or go to A&E so you don't have to wait?
Prepare yourself for the worst honey and take care. I hope I am wrong.
Cant you get someone to take you over to the maternity unit, i did with my daughter and they can scan you straight away, i wouldnt leave it to be honest.
im really sorry natalie, be strong and dont give up trying again!
my sis in law didnt give up, although it was the saddest news we got, two days before DUE date.... she felt some discomfort but ignored it till the nx day when she realised something wasnt right.. she went to the hospital for a scan.. and discovered there was no heartbeat. she had to have a natural birth, -stillborn. :(
but two months later she gave us some good news that she was expecting again.... and 9months on she gave birth to a healthy baby boy and i am a very proud Aunty and will spoil my nephew to bits.
My sis in law was very brave and very strong.xx take your timexxx