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SazzyC0 | 08:54 Tue 20th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I have my driving test in two hours, any top tips for success???


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good luck .just do ur best .
Take deep breaths before hand..Remember your taking your test cos your instructer must feel your ready so you are ready..Feel confidant remember what youve been taught and remember the examiner is only human just like you and me..Best of luck.YOU CAN DO IT...
Dont look scared. Smile and get down to it. Keep calme
When you think youve made a mistake dont say anything out loud and forget about it.
You can do it.

Try to relax.
Slip him 50 quid!
Question Author
Haha, my nerves might get the better of me so I will take the 50 quid just in case!
my son just passed his test other month he had really bad flu when he done it.he was going to cancel it but he never .he said being ill made him relax .
Quick then. Kiss someone with the flu.
Im sure youl pass ...good luck vibes making way to you , keep it in your head "im going to pass my test " keep calm and let us know later when YOUVE PASSED ok ? xxx : )
good luck sazzy......
I stalled the car early on in my test. Thinking that was it and I'd failed, I just fired it up again, set off and got on with the rest of the test, not bothering whether I did it right or wrong - and I passed.

My instructor said I probably passed because the examiner saw a calm, confident driver who wasn't panicked by a minor problem such as a stall - something that happens to every driver at some point. Passing is as much about how you put things right as what you do wrong in the first place.

So, as much as you can, try to forget the examiner is there and try to concentrate on the road rather than him or her. Easy to say in hindsight, I know, but it's what worked for me, even though I didn't realise what I was doing at the time.
Good luck sazzy :)
lets us know how u got on ?
Good drivers are behind - bad drivers in front of you!

Don't take eyes off road, say least - listen most.
thought she would have told us either ways,there is no problem failing just try again!!
Question Author
I failed, nerves got the better of me, stalled about 4 times. I need something to calm me down a bit first before my next one, thnx all anyway!

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