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Are you offended....or is this heaven.....

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pastafreak | 00:02 Wed 28th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Do you want a 'chav-free' holiday....? look no further: defends-chav-free-holidays-6323e80.html


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Well I don't believe it. There are plenty of 'chav types' with money. Are they going to interview them all before taking their money?
Heaven! Who wants to find fish and chip wrappers underneath your sunbed?!!! : )
It must be a work of fiction the director is Alistair mcLean
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maybe they do blood tests Ethel

read it ziggy

Icey...only if they are your own..!!!
I don't think it was a question of money, they just said people with chav-type names didn't want to go on their holidays.

However, Candice was upset:

The fuss has certainly got their name in the news: their website is unavailable 'due to overwhelming demand in response to recent news coverage'. Result!
ive met chavvs from hulll who were lottery winners

but they were actually ok

most of the time

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i heard about it on reef radio

mind u i heard about losing the data as welll
some mebers of monster hadnt


reef radio

finger on the pulse

meself an our danyella an little byonce mercedes might have a crack at one of those hols!
lol I know pasta, i just noticed the directors name, Alistair Mclean wrote Where Eagles Dare and loads of other action favourite is HMS Ullyses
lol! i always wanted to visit finland!
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Do I get a percentage...having lead you all to this company???
Lol @ rk!! Good description.
Well anyone can get loud if they have too much to drink, but of the two, I'd rather sit there with a Pimms, discussing the Peruvian pony trek, than slobbering lager down my T shirt and raucously debating who's the father of little Britney down the road. : )
Blasted chip and kebab papers!

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Are you offended....or is this heaven.....

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