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The Jewish threat.

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Gourmander | 15:05 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | News
11 Answers
Israel breaks ceasefire AGAIN! Two Palestinians shot dead. They want to eliminate Gaza from the map.


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Israel did enter Gaza and a Palestinian was killed after an Israeli soldier was killed and another badly injured.

Tit for Tat. Nothing more. 009/01/20091278409160693.html
tit for tat

well it was only a arab farmer

thats ok then

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This problem is not a simple one. It is no use just looking at face level.

It ahs gone on gor many many years, two people dead - so what.? and of what side - so what /

Problems here are deep and the west harping on about small issues will never helop - either side.
GAZZA should be eliminated after all that wife beating
I think you know that the Muslims want to whipe Israel from the map.
Gourmander, you've done it again, posted without checking first, but for you, its another chance to snipe at Israel, isn't it.
brionon I think you know that the jews want to build houses all over the gaza strip and put the palestinians in one large camp

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Actually, its the other Arab countries that want to keep the Palestinians in a camp,

Did you know, that after the '48' war, the Egyptions expelled all its Jews, there were approximately the same amount of refugees, jews from Egypt, Arabs from Palestine.
Egypt promised that all the housing that had belonged to the Jews, would go to the Refugees from Palestine, but it never happened.

DrFilth, I leave you to find out why.

I was under the impression it was the palestinians that wanted to eliminate Israel from the map,The jews said when Israel was formed they would rather all die than forsake that land and they are sticking by what they said.
Well said ray,

For the others,
After the Romans left, defeated by the invading Arab armies, until the creation of Israel, there has never been a goverment of what the Romans called Palestine, (Their word for Philistine), and never actuall a country called Palestine.
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