Sentence guidelines?? in The AnswerBank: Law
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Sentence guidelines??

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cherrypoker | 16:15 Wed 28th Jan 2009 | Law
4 Answers
Hi all!

Could anyone tell me what prison sentence to expect if you have been found guilty by jury of GBH section 20?

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Depends on whether youhave previous similar convictions. Also on other factors such as if you pleaded guilty or not guilty. You obviously did plead not guilty as you had a jury. That will affect the sentencing. Social reports will also be taken into consideration. Were you alone or did you have co-defendants?
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Should have explained better.
It wasn't myself it was a friend. He was the only defendant.
The victim received a broken jaw.
He pleaded not guilty as he says he didn't do it and was found guilty by a jury.
He does have a record. Drunk and disorderly, assault a pc etc.
Any ideas please?
Section 20 can be sentenced to a maximum of 5 years custody. The court will take into account any previous convictions and aggravating factors relevant to the facts. From the injuries you describe 24 weeks to 12 months would be a good starting point for a first time offender. See the following link for more details

http://www.sentencing-guidelines.gov.uk/docs/a ssault-against-the%20person.pdf
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