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TWR | 16:20 Fri 30th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
When is something going to get done? What should the penalty be? Are we too soft on the knifers? should the prisons be like Thailand & not like the Rizt?


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Like what? The problem is endemic, it's part of the culture, it's tribes fighting over drugs and pieces of land (postcodes). The problem is here to stay. It is simply not possible to lock up the number of people who would need locking up. Lucky Britain, get used it, live with it, it's here for good. Just stay at home at night and lock your doors, or move away.
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Is that why e fought the 2nd world war Gormless? To stop in doors, we fought for Freedom, Can you remember the advert BRITAIN NEEDS YOU? there seems to be a lot of very hard people out thee that can use knifes do you not think Iraq, Afghanistan needs people like this? Why should they be kept in a life of Luxury when the elderly cut down of food to pay their heating bills?
I'm with you on this TWR, but I just ask What can be done? and I answer myself - nothing that is going to work. It is a whole new population. It is a sad and frightening thing to see 8 police officers on duty outside a SCHOOL at 3pm. That is really really scary. I wouldn't even get on a bus when the schools break up.
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I am with you on that but the problem we have is the H.Rs Arsols, It gets my back up when I hear of an Elderly person that cannot go to the shop without Ps her/him self because of these scum & to me that's what they are, they say the fault is with the parents to a point I agree but I will leave you all with one thought, I am not into football but when England played in Russia was there any trouble? I think that will answer all our Questions.

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