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War crimes accusation

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Lonnie | 20:34 Sun 25th Jan 2009 | News
39 Answers
I know a lot of you tend not to read the links I put up, but please read this one, you don't have to believe what irt says, although that would be hard, just read it. e_Phony_War_Crimes_Accusation.asp


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naomi, as I have mentioned several times on these threads, I do know these people and have spent several years in Arab countries. People must and have to be aware of what the Israelis are capable of. DrFilth has made mention of just a few instances. We keep hearing about the "holocaust" but correct me if I am wrong, I was under the impression that Fritz Haber developed the poisonous gas which killed thousands of allied troops.
Harping on about the past doesn't solve the problem. We know it was wrong, but we can't change it. We need to look to the future and address the situation that we have now. I've also been to many Arab countries, and seen at first hand Palestinian refugee camps - not a pretty sight - but in addition I've seen the Muslim mindset change out of all recognition over recent years, and I think this is what people aren't taking into account.

Right, I'm saying no more.

Ah Cugetit, so it's not simply Israel that you hate so much: its the Jews. All these Jewish controlled governments? You mentioned some old US politicians, so would you like to name all these western governments that are 'Jewish controlled'?
I am sure Hamas would welcome you joining them - providing you are a fanatical Muslim and have left your brain behind. See, you're half way there already.
Raleigh ............. anta majnuun. hth
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Raleigh, you've said what I could only intimate at, concerning Cugetit, his/her views were made blatentenly obvious on other threads.

naomi, thanks for the way you answered, shame others don't take a leaf out of your book, I don't mind if someones views are opposite to mine, just the way its put.
Thats debate.

As for whats on the link, I challenge the people on here to prove its not true.
this is my post from monday

Mon 26/01/09
09:24 well i have read all that, i like the first couple of lines from the first reply.

why did not Israel left the redcross enter Gaza to help civilians ? Why couldn't we have any media over there ?

may i answer his questions . WAR CRIMES that's why

Can you PLEASE answer my questions lonnie

Who placed the bombs in the king david hotel

Who hanged british soldiers

for some reason jewish people never answer my questions

.As for dolly's post even most of the germans in the second world war did not know about the camps let alone the british and americans who went into germany.

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give them back there land . then and only then we may have peace.

PS. I have read your link do you read mine.

can lonnie answer my questions PLEASE

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DrFilth it true that the Palestinians were living in the region, then the Western allies said, "Sorry peeps, but we're going to create a new Jewish state there so could you please skedaddle"?

Is that what happened?

Did anyone pause and say, "Hang on...Jews and Muslims living next door to each other...perhaps not the best idea".

Seriously - does anyone have a (non-biased) site I can go to, to read up on this?
the jewish people wanted a homeland , if you read history books you will get a better view of the idea. ho hamas in them days the trouble was from jewish groups.
that it why lonnie will not answer my questions. if you speak out, you are are classed as anti jewish.
the jews are using the same trick used by people who will not allow you to talk about immigration , you are a racist
jews , muslims , christians and others lived there in peace.
sp1814 pleas have a look at this link

Thurs 22/01/09
00:56 how true cugetit.

::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

this is from a jewish person

Thanks...will have to look tonight as You Tube is blocked at work.

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Yes, in the time of the British Mandate, Jewish Terrorists did kill British soldiers, and the King David Hotel was shameful affair, but i'm not talking about that time,

Now, if you want to talk about history, just how far back do you want to go?.
That's right. Lonnie, you don't like discussing events that go against the grain, as far as you are concerned ...... Jewish terrorists, Gaza seige, latest technological weapons (supplied by USA) versus homemade rockets, prevention of Press and humanitarian aid to Gaza. There are so many examples. Some people just do not like the truth !!!
at long last an answer

the King David Hotel was shameful affair, but i'm not talking about that time,

the state of israel was founded in 1948 after the british gave up because of the jewish terror campaign .
knowing that they could not reach an agreement with the jews and arabs they handed over the land to the newly formed united nations.

ever since then the jews have wanted more and more land .

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1948 what a good year
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Wonder why we didn't bomb the hell out of Eire when there were "terrorists" killing innocents on the the mainland here. You should have listened to Jimmy Carter's recent speech when he agrees with what I saw in a recent response regarding the Middle East ...... "not only were the ambassadors for peace, sent by the US in the past, pro Israeli but some were actually working for Israel." He is holding out more hope for a fairer deal from Mitchell but we will have to wait and see. We keep hearing about Hamas not being recognized as lawful." If that is the case then how can one expect them to abide by rules. If there was a criminal in this country holding a house with a dozen hostages in it, that criminal having shot and killed several people, what do the police do? "Just blow it up"!!!? hth
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The Jews believe the land was given to them by God and will not be satisfied until the entire "Promised Land" is in their hands by any means available and all others are driven out.

They uphold the success of the mass genocides conducted by the Israelites and reported in the Old Testament as evidence for the divine providence for their state.

And they would happily commit blatant genocide again if they thought they would get away with it. Instead they destroy the food and shelter of civilians while shutting out the international media. The goal is the same and so is the crime.

I have nothing against Jews per se. However their religious beliefs are a blight and lie at the foundation of their crimes against humanity.

It is surely the most profound hypocracy that they exalt the genocides conducted by their heroic ancestors while bitterly complaining of their treatment by the Nazis. Genocide is an abomination No exceptions for the "Chosen People".

Just in case anyone wants to accuse me of being biassed toward the Arabs I will add that the religious beliefs dreamed up by Mohammed are little different and equally disgusting.

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