Funnily enough I got to work today, early, by setting off well early.
I'll be in tomorrow aswell.
I can't believe the London buses were not out today. It's Health and Safety gone mad. Perhaps Boris should have banned cars aswell.
Bendy buses are not too good on snow, but conventional buses are fine. Their long wheelbase and weight makes them easily controllable. They should have more faith in their professional drivers.
Actually beejay my dad did drive a gritter lorry and snow plough in the days when we used to get snow. I could go for 2 or 3 weeks without seeing him sometimes as he was out all night. They used to clear all the roads in those days!
that's my concern, i am not very confident driving in these conditions, i could take the pus i guess, but it takes 2 buses from here and its an hour and a half in good weather