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Who wins The Apprentice ?

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Gilli | 11:25 Fri 08th Apr 2005 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers

Yeah yeah I know I should just watch and find out in a few weeks, but the series was obviously filmed last summer ..... and i'm really surprised that the eventual winner hasn't leaked out yet - via friends, family, or even colleagues @ whichever of Alan Sugar's companies they end up at.

Has anyone heard any rumours ?

BTW - I hope it's James (definitely not Paul, who has hissy fits every week, or Raj who is as much use as a chocolate teapot - his team won this week but that was thanks to James & Saira, not him).



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I love this show, mostly because the contenders are so awful, and I like the way Sir Alan rip them to shreads at the end. Are you certain that it was all filmed in a oner? Some of it may have been done last summer, but some may be later. Didn't they make reference to it being autumn in the on e this week? The last few may have been done later or not been done yet and therefore we don't know. Maybe Sir Alan will give more than one of them a job. BTW I think Miriam may be the one to watch, she had an almost unblemished record until she bought that cheese!
lol!! the cheese - err yes that was a bit of a boo boo. I LOVE this show .... I'm really fond of Tim but my husband says that he hasn't got what it takes. I like James next ..... Yep I agree with Gilli Raj is just a dithering wreck! and as for Paul, well.... if he was my boss I'd get me coat! Syrah is a very full on lady but good luck to her!
I just hope it ain't Saira. Does she ever shut up!!? 

Anyone but Saira to win........I sometimes think the way she talk to people its either because she thinks they are all imbiciles or a bit mutt and jeoff (deaf) she grates on me.  She couldn't possibly make any mistakes talk about passing the buck lol.

Paul for me, he's hot headed but determined that temper will settle if he got the job with Alan Sugar he's just fighting his corner........he's got the cheek to sell in the right way without being in your face.

It's got to be  Paul V James

Raj is a nice guy but isn't professional enough for me he doesn't fit the criteria.  LOL at his face when he got star struck with the hypnotist Paul McKenna I say I say :)

The winner is Tim

ladybird - LOL, I totally agree abotu the way Siira speaks to people.  She'd never sell me anything!!   I don't think Paul will win, as he always dodges naming names as to who should go, and I don't think that sits well with Sir Alan - he likes someone who's more straightforward and direct than that.  Saira is just too mouthy, tho I reckon Alan kind of likes that (after all, she's talked her way out of getting fired more than once).  Tim justs talks the talk, but delivers very little, Raj is instantly forgettable, and James is a bit too full of bluster and smarm - his charm only works with certain people, and this would be a drawback in Sir Alans business.  I kind of think Miriam will be one of the final 2 or 3, though that is possibly because i liek her most of all the candidates and other than the cheese saga, she's been pretty strong throughout.  She led the ad campaign superbly.  Can't wait to watch the next episode, it's must-see telly in our house!!
Mind you, I'd want a 6 figure salary to work for Sir Alan! .... may the best man or woman win!

I remember reading when it started that it was as "white male" that wins, and I thought it had become public as the bookies stopped taking bets.

Paul is so annoying now, surely the others, and Sugar must see through him, his avoidance of being project leader to limit his chances is really grating with me now.

Yay it's on tonight! ..... YOU'RE FIRED ;-)

I have heard a rumour that Paul wins! I was quite happy with this till last night, as he is getting more and more arrogant. I cant help but feel Sir Alan is favouring Paul as I really think he should have gone last night not Miriam.

I have also been told that Sir Alan gives4 of the contests jobs after the show finishes. I wonder if they all get a 6 figure pay cheque or just the winner...... I would be a bit miffed if I won and everyone else got the same money, job etc!!

Well only a couple of weeks left to find out for sure, sorry to everyone who doesnt want Paul to win, which seems like quite a few people!!

If he hires that snivelling little toerag over any of the others, I'll scream.

Paul makes my skin crawl. Do you think he's really a total mysogynist or just scared of powerful women?

Lordy but he does love himself. "If I was Sir Alan, I'd hire me" oh plu-eeze!

Tim wins.....a relatives friend worked on it.

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