My eldest has just returned from taking my youngest out, and bought her a bloody plastic pirate sword. A Sword? Armed by a hyper four year old? This can't bode well.....
So apologies in advance if any of my replies from here on in, get more and more snippy....
just tell them if they are naughty - that when they are all grown up and married you are going to go and stay with them and accidentally wee on their sofa!!
i blame the parents. cant be setting a good example for their kids, when a child thinks that buying a plastic sword for an even younger child is normal.
Ya know imaledge, I totally agree! It certainly wouldnt be my toy choice if i'd have been there, hate those and toy guns with a vengeance. Think it will have to 'disppear' when she goes bed later on ;-)
In my oldest daughters defence, she's 20, blonde and thick as pig muck- bless 'er!!!