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Poking a wasp nest !!

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carrust | 10:23 Thu 05th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Why cant women;
Throw/kick a ball.
Cut bread straight.
Walk past a shoe/clothes/cake/chocolate/jewelry shop without stopping.
Understand the workings of the internal combustion engine.


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The best piece of advice to my father gave to me was; "never get between a woman & a shoe shop window!"
I don't get the obsession women have with shoes though :-( Im missing a female gene .
I can count the number of footwear I have on one hand carrust , and I easily walk past a shoe shop without even a glance . x a cake shop or a sweetie counter ........
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I'm not too good in the folding, knitting & sewing departments. I also need some lessons in making pastry.
Don't we all carrust, don't we all! being a woman does NOT make me good at making pastry.
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Steve5. They'll have to take the lemons out 1st:-)
Why can't men~
Put down the toilet seat
Go the toilet without reading material
Find WHERE the washing machine is
Know how to use it
Have patience
NOT use the floor as a wardrobe
Wash Up
Think the noises made by bodily functions are romantic
Use the 14th Feb as an excuse for forgetting the rest of the year
Buy unromantic Christmas presents ie "man things" that they really want for themselves
Watch sport for hours on end,and then get annoyed when the wife wants to watch a film
Basically not appreciate their partner


PS:~ Alec is out,so I am hoping he won't read this! LOL
Naughty , naughty Elsie.

But funny.
i like teh floor as wardrope bit, im forever getting told off for that....

although, agreement with my missus is that i do all teh cooking, cleaning, washing up and ironing, and she has to pick up dog poo......

fair trade me thinks?
Where does you wife pick you up from? LOL


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Poking a wasp nest !!

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