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MWB | 22:25 Thu 05th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I'm not getting replies to my questions in my email inbox. I've emailed the tech people but haven't heard back. It's been happening for over 2 weeks now.
Is this happening to any other ABers?


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don't know, i never look
you don't get emails from CB questions, but you do elsewhere.

that's what you get for sitting in the cheap seats :o)
Yes, I just thought that they had stopped offering that service!
I get replies from my CB questions in my hotmail in box, and the little heads up blue box appears now in the bottom right and makes a ping sound too
you have a little blue box, dot?
Question Author
I want a blue box & pinging sounds too!!!

What can we, who don't get the emails, do about this? And why has it happened?

Is it something to do with AB being updated soon?
It could be something to do with AB being updated!!
Who knows!! I don't think I got any replies in my email Inbox last time I posted a question.
At least,my Inbox doesn't get clogged up with loads of replies.

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