What we need is a cultural sea-change in our attitudes to alcohol.
Europeans, and the rest of the world, drink because they enjoy the taste and mild bizz of wine or beer.
The British drink to be drunk.
We have evolved a culture where the definition of a 'good night out' is exactly how much alcohol poisoning (dressed up with amusing words like 'trolleyed', 'slaughtered', 'blitzed' and so on) but poisoning is what it is - you can inflict on yourself in a short evening.
The drinks industrry make laughable adverts about enjoyment of the taste of their products, but the way the British drink, it could be tasteless, because they drink for the effect, not the flavour.
Until we address the attitudes to alcohol, and our idea of what enjoyment actually is - we will always have a binge culture, no matter how much they raise prices.
Cost will not stop people binge drinking - education will.