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FAO knobby, and rabbity,and monty......

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pastafreak | 23:24 Sat 07th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers ml

carnival!!!...should be fun!!!


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im burying
my sardine in sand
then i will come up and blast you
if you dare stand on me

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and number 2 is on tomorrow night....can hardly wait ;-))
Question Author ya think that looks like leggy in the picture???
sure does to me!!
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i will as i txt him the day
Have fun you lot! Of course you will!!! ;0) xxx
So, are we still Wild Westing it, changing to horror movies, bringing 2 fancy dress outfits, or am I gonna be the Slasher Saloon Girl of Los Cris for a fortnight?

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FAO knobby, and rabbity,and monty......

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