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Valentines Pressies??

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puddicat | 18:36 Mon 09th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Hinted at diamonds girls,but to no avail lol,anyway my fella says he is hopeless at this,he wanted us to go shopping so that i could choose my own gift, i hate that,as you dont know if you are overspending,anyway what was the worse valentines gift if any did you get or not!!!


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I got a puddi! make your own mind up! lol
Question Author
hi stompe hows it hanging???
oh no i hate valentines stuff - yuk
pass the sick bucket
Would that be a diamond encrusted sick bucket with a big ribbon tied around it?
can i just have an orange B & Q one please?
Question Author
hi weeal i am totally not full on with valentines day,but hey its nice if someone shows they care lol!!
Weeal is it Tomato skins and diced carrots!

Its to long Puddi Hangs down my Ankle{:(
Question Author
hi snagged ure missus in for a real treat lol!!
I have never had a valentine b/day is the day before so tend to blend in.....good eh?.... :-((
joby1, i think it is time the man in your life makes more of an effort.
Personally I will be happy with a nice card and lots of "special" time. I dont think i will be disappointed.
Question Author
oh joby are you a lady or a man, i think a man,and ure birthday is this friday the 13th arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!
no...a female......and yes friday the 13th...but I was born on a friday.....dont bother me.... :-))

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