hi i have a two week old and i'm using cotton wool and water to change her bottom, just wondered what peoples opinions are on when to start using wipes?
Get some skin sensitive ones to wipe her with, then wipe her bot dry with some cotton wool, and then smear some barrier cream all over front and back bottoms to keep nappy rash at bay.
I used wipes straight from birth, never had a problem, but every baby's different so some may be more sensitive than others. Wipes are definitley more practical, esp. when out and about!
Can I just add something to that - don't use any cream unless your baby does have a rash. Any good nappy should be enough, and then if she does get a rash the cream will be effective. I remember my midwife telling me that 11 years ago and I stuck to it. Neither of my 2 sons had nappy rash.