You are about twenty years too late for the classes I used to run at Lawshall, near Bury St Edmunds!
However, I have found some classes for you: this one is held at Gt Ashfield near Bury St Edmunds (junction 47 off the A14). Run by Sophia.
Also some held at Nowton (near Bury St Edmunds) called Best Buddies, run by Sarah Connell 01284 767050.
There are also classes at Stonham Barns just off the A140
contact Henri 01449 711147.
Another one a bit further up the A12 is at Saxmundham on a Wednesday, Heritage Coast Dog Club, run by friends of mine, Denise and Robert 01728 603386.
All of these are 'pet' obedience clubs rather than strict competition obedience and all use motivational fun methods rather than the 'pick 'em up by the scruff of the neck' methods!