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Chatterbank competition!

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mrs_overall | 14:44 Fri 13th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
If you look at the "recent posts" on the left, it shows the name of the person who most recently posted an answer.
Can anyone manage to have their name on all 4 posts on the "recent posts" list at once?


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it has been done, bad company did it a while ago when he was on his campaign of terror
my recent post list is on the right.
I've often wondered if that could happen but never tried it intentionally. Have seen the same name up there twice though.
very early in the morning would be your best bet. but then again, who else would see it?
I got three up,but then I was shot down in flames! LOL
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I must have missed that cazzz.

I only thought this up to spice up a boring Friday afternoon :)
I noticed you Mr Veritas, you only posted hello in each category though.
nevertheless.......well done for trying.
i have done it many many times but at the early hours in the morning
I do it all the time
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lol poltergeist....I bet there was no one to see you do it!
unfortunately mrs_o ya :(
you still did it though but without witnesses you can't be recorded in the AB book of records though...
been there done that
Question Author
Hmm, this idea was a no brainer then. Oh well.
I've often done that, and my answers were in 4 different topics, which beats bad company into a c0cked hat!

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