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To Smudge and 999

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woodelf | 23:20 Thu 12th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Hi you guys, did my website question make it to the chatterbank?...or did I faff it up somehow and it aint there?...Ta Muchly.


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wow woodelf you are brave comming on CB
I aint read nothin
Howdy woodelf. Hope you're feeling good.

I've just checked through Chatterbank, going back as far as this morning, and I can't see anything from you.

Why not post it again buddy?
Hello again woodelf. I can't find a website question of yours on chatterbank. But wow, you have 53 answers in arts and literature. As mrs.chappie says you could post it again. That is if you really want it to go on to chatterbank. If you do decide to post again on chatterbank, I think you should be prepared for some strange and sometimes rude answers from posters who know nothing of you and your situation, or of your wonderful paintings. I have been back to your site again today, just to enjoy your work again. I am still totally amazed at how you can paint such beautiful pictures when you are unable to see. Love, Hugs, and Smiles. Schutzengel.

i agree with shutz
as you are a 1 and only on here

good luck sir and take care

lv monty

ethel will giude you in the right direction xxxxxxxxxx
Hi woodelf, smile

I've not seen it here in Chatterbank. It may have been banned though. Sad face. This sometimes happens if you post the same question twice even if it is in different caterogies.
But as Schutzengel says you got loads of replies in Arts and literature so all is good. smile.

Hope you are well and have a good day. kiss
Question Author
Hi all you guys, sorry I aint written My Thanks to You All, jus found your answers by checking my threads, man!...maybe Eash is right and the same site aint allowed on other cats....I shouldn't be so greedy, but it's good to get feedback and to meet more peopleloaders...I'll give it a thunk!
Hello woodelf - so sorry, I've been really busy most of the day & have only just seen this thread. So glad the others have kindly managed to answer your question.

I hope you are well & managing to keep warm!

Bye for now.

Cheery smile. -xx-
Question Author
Schutzengel, Ta Muchly for your advice and very very kind words...hugs, kisses and smiles all round.

That's okay Smudge, we all gotta be somewhere eh? I'm keepin' warm; I did the gecko and just burst into!
Hello woody. 999 has like been banned unfortunately.
Question Author
OK, ta P...nowt much else I can say about that.

Any idea why I aint getting your answers coming through to me as emails, as with other categories?

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To Smudge and 999

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