Little female spayed - strange behaviour in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Little female spayed - strange behaviour

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suzi-q | 21:03 Fri 13th Feb 2009 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
Well, at the risk of sounding a bit dim, my little 9 month old terrier bitch appears to be humping things. She does it on her cushion and also tried it on our other dog (spayed male).
I guess she would have maybe been coming into season and this is her way of feeling a little frisky.
Is it normal? Hope you don't all think I'm nuts for asking this.
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Hi, My JRT 18 month old bitch does it all the while, with toy's cushions and poor old 2 year old Freddie. Ithink its a dominance thing!!!!!
Chaffinch is probably right try feeding the other dog first and letting the little one know she is being fed last and therefore lower in the pecking order - it might put her in her place- but it can also be a hormone imbalance - if she was only recently spayed it will probably work out of her system soon. If it becomes a real nuisance have a word with the vet - Good luck

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Little female spayed - strange behaviour

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