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Les ABers?

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MWB | 21:51 Sat 14th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I reckon there's less ABers these days. Much less.

There are no where near as many answers to questions as there used to be.

Wonder why?


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And noone else is me , nor would i want them to be.

are you also the deputy editor leg and logic?
chuck..ever get the feelin you just lit a stick of dynamite..weeal's gonna kick your ass for that one! lol
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Need more coffee to wake up.
lol gonzo, think I know what chuckie means there, his ass is saved so far <:-)
lol!..i gotta go so you all have a good night..and play nicely,wont you??? laters;0) xxxx
I think you have got it right weeal :)
cazzthere is no deputy ed
thats just me when im tired

as for loggy he is funnygirl and also gormffy too
'cause we're not allowed a different opinion and have to be insipid with humour rather than informative answers.
bye gonzo, catch you soon
night gonzo!
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I kinda think that too Tamborine.

Any provocative question or answer, or question that makes some people have to think is shouted down.

Hello terantularine

You spidery charactaure you

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You can almost hear the "sharp intake of breath" when a question is posted that makes people think of reality.
Hi Leg.....sorry I had to leave you in the dungeon but you just didn't keep me warm enuf.

I think not , i expect that i was right in my earlier post.
Terantula i was otherwise occupado

i have been ressurected .

So anyone for an easter egg?

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