Better to come in a lorry? in The AnswerBank: News
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Better to come in a lorry?

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anotheoldgit | 13:41 Sat 14th Feb 2009 | News
13 Answers
Perhaps Geert Wilders the Dutch MP who was recently sent back from Heathrow to the Netherlands, would find it much easier to get in the UK, if next time he came in a lorry.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/arti cle-1143222/The-family-Iraqi-illegal-migrants- simply-sat-lorry-cab-Calais-driven-new-life-be nefits.html

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-113896 2/Number-illegal-immigrants-coming-UK-lorries- doubles-years.html
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I was thinking the very same myself only yesterday, oldgit.

Better still, when he got here Mr Wilders should have claimed asylum, saying that he had been persecuted in his native Holland for his views. He would have been given a travel warrant from Heathrow to his nearest benefits office, would have been showered with money and in a Council flat before the Lords, to whom he was going to show his film, had finished their Port & Cigars!
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
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Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Pity we can't be equally forceful when it comes to removing much worse foreign rubbish, that already reside here in the UK.
Foreign criminals are refused entry to the UK all the time. The reason you don't hear about those cases is because they're not newsworthy.

And let's not forget about the thousands who are refused entry every year.

The overwhelming majority of new Britons are hard working and law-abiding, no matter how much hatred the right wing press try to stir up against them.
>Foreign criminals are refused entry to the UK all the time.

But thousands of other criminals ARE NOT refused entry.

1) Some because we dont know they are criminals (nobody tells us),

2) Others because they come in on forged papers

3) And others because we dont know they have come here because they are smuggled in in lorries or whatever.

So however they get here, we now have thousands of criminals living here doing their criminal deeds.
But the immigration service don't actively encourage foreign criminals to come over here. No-one in their right mind would want that. However let's not forget, Mr. Wilders isn't a criminal. He's just a man who hates Islam. We have enough of those here already trying to stir up race hatred. We hardly need any more.
As far as I am aware, sp1814, although he is foreign, Mr Wilders has no criminal convictions in any country
New Judge - I know...I said that on my previous post.
SP14 . As far as I can see, Mr Wilders was attempting to show the hatred Muslims had for us, not the other way round.

He was using the undeniable evidence of 7/11, the London bombings and the Madrid massacre, etc. .
New Judge,

Wilder has no convictions against him at the moment, but the Dutch authorities have just ordered his prosecution for Incitemnt to Vilence.

Barring him from this country was a mistake. He came here and went in December without anyone noticing. Banning him makes the UK look intolerant, gives Wilders the publicity he craves,

Several potential illegal immigrants have suffocated in the backs of lorries in their attempts to come and join us. With this in mind, I agree with you AOG that Mr Wilders should be encouraged to attempt to illegally enter this country by this method.
Can you imagine this country if the likes of sp1814 get to power

God fooking help us
Well said Elvis. But what are you dping posting here? I thought you died back in '77!

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