As you can probably guess by my screen-name, cacti are a particular specialist subject of mine. It sounds like you've got an infestation of Mealy Bugs, they're like minute greyish white woodlice and the white fluffy stuff are their nests. The only thing to do is isolate the infected plants to a windowsill with no healthy plants on it, remove the bulk of the nests/eggs/any visible bugs with a cotton bud or similar soft implement, even checking below the soil or grit line around the base of the plant ;the little b*ggers can nest underground. Finally, treat with a systemic insecticide that claims to kill aphids (greenfly) but can be used on indoor plants. (systemic being one that is sprayed or watered on to be drawn up internally by the roots) Repeat this process as necessary to keep them under control. I say "under control" as they are faily hardy and difficult to kill without harming the plant with too higher dosage of insecticide. They also evolve and become tolerent to the various types of insecticide, they really are a pain to get rid of completely. I hope this has been of help to you, and i hope you get the infestation under control. Regards, Cactus.