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Watchin jerry maguire

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legendis.god | 02:29 Mon 16th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
If your hearts empty

then the rest

doesnt matter.

: 0(


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Question Author
Trigg you dont wanna believe all the stuff you read on here.
Some nutter posted on here four times that id been caught stealing my neighbours wifi connection.

Now waht idiot would post something as stupid as that unless they knew it to be true?

There will always be gossip on Ab.

Some of it may evn be true.
Most of it is just nonsense though.

I thought youd be able to filter that thru by now m8?

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Yeah tell me about it, someone on here suggested my daughter was being abused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can you "steal" a WiFi connection?

Surely you can just "use" it, if it's unsecured (I'm not saying Leggy did use it ... I'm just making the point).

Isn't that rather like saying that, if you walk across your neighbour's lawn, then you have "stolen" their garden?

Question Author
welll ive been accused of stealing wifi!!

of being incustody and my pc sezed ( the old peado digs there .froma neww user of course .lol )

ive been spotted in a chippy.

been seen in a market in marakesh.

and someone saw me in tescos in london buying a trolly load of duracell batteries on the bogof offer

� did that help ?
Question Author
Jayne if you took their lawn without permission.

sheribee who said that?
was it a troll or a regular user?
dont think ive seen you before
But the truth is that you were 'snowed in' up on Mt.Tiede
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Question Author
well as it is the highest mountain in spain and is almost 3 times higher than ben nevis.
and there is a rathe rnice hotel atop teidi that franco used to stay in.

that is a possibility more sensible than the stealing internet theory.

considering i have a shop connection and one at home .

thats a lotta stealing to do

Question Author
No trigger but im amazed that the best a google search could do was come up with the suggestion id been using a neighbours wifi connection without permission

uhuh huh huh

i wanna say thank you folks
Some people could spend their time better by writing thrillers..

.....oh BTW, good afternoon leggy ;-))
Question Author
Good afternoon pasty.
Yes either that or googling the dimensions internally and externally of a coca cola bottle

useful im sure when in a conversation with stephen fry?
lol...true.....a vocation missed.

I am now off to search out a wild west slappers outfit....what a way to spend a Monday-lol
Question Author
i may go to las americas at lunchtime

have a wee shifty in the shop

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Do it.....or mum and aunty will kick yer butt......

and baaadddd!
Question Author
well im shuttin now so i may do


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