The trouble with the current Government is very simple - a group of power hungry incompetents, led by Blair and Mandelson, hijacked the traditional Labour Party with the promise of Socialism. That they were never interested in anything but their own personal gain was obvious to some of us, but we were in a minority then.
Many in the Labour Party thought that, just like Red Ken did in London back in 1981, that as soon as they got into Government they would oust the upstarts and return to Kinnockism and Footism, policies that lost them four General Elections.
Now we are paying the price - the so-called best ever Chancellor squandered the gold reserves, raided the pension funds, and then claimed it was a world wide problem. If that is the case, then why is the Pound down against most other major currencies, particularly the Euro and even the Dollar?
And now he has the cheek to say that, with his in-depth knowledge of creating crises, he is the best man to get us out of one. Just how much longer can he go on flogging that idea?