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puddicat | 22:50 Wed 18th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Put my lecky blanket on!!!


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I would rather wire it up
Ooh, no ... I couldn't cope with a blankie.

I'd feel too hot.

I'll do yours for you though, puddi.
Question Author
youre right to warm thanks knobbs for your kind offer!
stayed in a caravan in tenby once, and bought a leccie blankie in the co-op - it was absolute bliss!!!! :-)
Question Author
yeah so calming and loving is a lecky blanket!!!
Wimp you dont need a lecky blanket coldness is all in the mind
Tenby? ...

... Scotland?
it's really warm here (Yorkshire) haven't had the heating on at all today.
Question Author
its just a taster a lecky blanket
lol JJ, no, Tenby West Wales. I'll do you a deal, I'll go to Brighton, if you'll go to West Wales?? (I wouldn't make you go to East Wales, that would just be cruel!!)
*sigh* I thought that Stompe was back. What with the capital letters and all.

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