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annie0000 | 22:52 Tue 01st Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Do you drive a Fabia? There is someone on the skoda forum called Wardy and i wondered if it was you.


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I'm not that old, really, but I clearly remember my dad had a car with running boards and a hood like a pram!
Oh I LOVED my starting handle Annie! I could start that little car anytime anyplace anywhere! And just the right amount of choke and it would go first time on the coldest morning. I could fix most minor problems with it myself too.

I always remember going for a job interview when I was 18 and the battery was flat when I got back to the car. I got a round of applause from the building site next door when this daft little thing in a short skirt and high heels cranked the car and started it!
Too much nostalgia.

I have a 25k hike with the school boys in the morning around Avonmouth, so I bid ye all a goodnight.
Crikey, if I had that distance to travel, I'd drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question to the ladies...

Have you ever changed a wheel?

I attempted to once when I got a flat tyre on Tower Bridge (you can imagine the insults...) but I couldn't budge the wheel nuts. When the AA man got there he had to stand on the (insert word here for whatever the tool is) to get the nuts off so I didn't feel so bad.
Change a tyre? Not with my back and AA membership.
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well done Barmaid - it just seems that there was less to go wrong when we didn't have lecky windows etc. In the old days you drove the car, bits fell off you had them welded back on and that was that - I remember helping my sister repaint the inside roof of her car as it was a bit dirty! She also had loads of little ornaments on the dash and I can remeber her putting �2 worth of petrol in it at a time. My brother had a huge car with bench seats and he used to take the whole family (9 of us) plus a couple of friends out the beach in it - I can remember us all having to push start it as well!

Seat belts optional of course!
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Yes I have changed a tyre - just the once though!
Yep! My dad wouldn't let me and my sister out on the road until we had mastered certain things - changing a wheel was one of them.

Although now I have an AA card and a mobile phone and would not even attempt it. Mind you, I have a space saver spare so I have to blow the bloody thing up as well!!!
nope i don"t think its your style wardy!!!

you would have had a pop at me long ago....

apologies xx
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Wow, this is the longest thread I have ever started - the last longest was 48 and that was about Daddy longlegs - thanks all - I'm off to bed now.
Changed a wheel meglet???? You jest! How...what....???
Horrible, nasty job for the menfolk! x
I had a shifty on the skoda site,strange that wardy bloke quoted Steve Mqueen Minter is an admirer of him as well.
I'm the one you're looking for ;-) Just seen this thread while looking for something else on Google. Thanks for all the predictable Skoda jokes too! And the members on Briskoda are a good lot - you'll find that if you happen to own a Skoda and visit for help or advice....
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Hi, AnotherWardy - sorry, just caught your post - I have been on the briskoda site a few times, but it doesn't seem to be working for me anymore :o(

Roomster going strong, coming up for a year old and done just over 3000 miles!

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