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FAO Sqad - are you on here today?

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Bbbananas | 13:07 Thu 19th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
because if you are, I have a proposition for you...


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History, Nostalgia & Swing.
That, and a fish supper.
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It's a perfectly respectable proposition...
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sqad does - he's cultured. ;-)
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respectable..... you

ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

i'm going to wet myself hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha
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Mcfluff, you let me down & offend me. You know I have my serious side, and great respect for my elders... well, some of them..

I will wait for sqad to show himself....
Sqad showing himself !! Hmmmmm..................................
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someone get me to the loooooooooo
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you definitely need that tissue fluff
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Well, I am soon orf for my bi-weekly swim, sauna, steam, jacuzzi session. (I particularly like the jacuzzi as has been mentioned on here before - for reasons I should not have to explain to you girls, Especially mcfluff). I am in the need of a release of tension & pent-up frustration. Bubbles are just what I need.

If anyone sees sqaddie out & about, flashing his bits or whatever.. tell him I'm looking for him please, I shall be on here tomorrow x
well i'm off for a 'training session', see you all laters!

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FAO Sqad - are you on here today?

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