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So who am I

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Stomped | 21:33 Thu 19th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers


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St. Moped?
ahhh funky moped???
you are stompe, I dont even know why you have to ask, I suggest you check your log in name
i miss funkymoped.
You are certainly not "stompe", and before you squeal and blub, THAT is very very hard to prove.

Try it.

You against me.
he has more than proved himself whiffey, even the people who run youtube agree
No he hasn't, and don't call me whiffey.
Question Author
well i am allowed to give myself stars on this ocassion arn't i ? lol
you do what you want stompe, dont forget that cheeky youtube clip ;D

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So who am I

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