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Enough is enough

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Jan1957 | 22:45 Thu 19th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I like a laugh and a joke on here and the quizzes, but tonight has been the pits. I will now wait for the morning thread where it is a bit friendlier.

Some people really need to grow up!


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Ditto Jan
I agree, regrettably however, some people will never grow up. xxx
my attitude 2wards some people have changed 2nite
Na never
i hope noone is blaming me for just sticking up for myself.
So jamie909 do you actually believe what hawkes has said.
Well if so more fool you then

Oh well then, that's tea and biscuits all round. How exciting tomorrow will be hunched over the kettle dunking the rich tea and going goo.
Well make sure you have enough tissues then whiffey
Well done u there is some nasty vipers on this site,had to laugh when whatsitsface started trying to justify himself, and when he realised he wasnt getting anywhere he started to get verbally nasty idiot!!!
Yes I know puddicat but it is not whiffeys fault as he cant help it can he?
Idiot!lol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I was offered corrective surgery actually, but it was at the risk of some loss of function, so I stuck with butch copiousness.
I agree.
Great song in my opinion.

enough is enough
knobbs...dont jump on the not havin a go at you alone....i said "some people".....ones as bad as the other in my a relative outsider, i didnt know half of what you two were going on bout, but youz were goading each other in to saying something nasty, for what, so you could copy n paste it in the next post and throw it back at honest opinoin of you both is i like you.... but 2nite wasn`t nice
Night,night Jan
Sweet dreams.....

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Enough is enough

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