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3 fish.

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carrust | 12:32 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
Cod, haddock or fishcake? Which one do I have with chips & mushy peas for me tea tonight?


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Sweet.....Good Luck smoking...good on yer!!

zac.,,,do you mean JUST leather coat and leather boots?

i do, as it happens, have a leather jacket & leather trousers. But I never ever ever wear them both at the same time. That would be almost as naff & chav as wearing jeans and a denim jacket together - tooooo much.

I am off now - got to see a man about a dog.
Love to you all, fat salla xx
p.s. when I think of leather coat & boots I think of the Nazi's - and that is NOT a good image.

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