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4getmenot | 11:09 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
That tried getting in my flat lastnight?


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sis! so youd wait until they broke in before calling police!?
Id have called them and ask them to come out and check everything was secure!
I hope the estate agent for mine hasnt given any keys out
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it was just a mistake. Told my bloke to check door but he was too chicken. I would have opened it while they were doing it but I had my jim jams on and a towell round my head, so I just sat there and after a while and said loudly 'wrong door!'
ah right, so you werent alone! thank god for that!

Im gonna check that agents havnt lent a key out
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well they never tried your door
Oh that's good that it was a mistake, still a worrying thought though.
I'd like to think that I'd sit it out to see if the person got in or not but I'm too bolshy, I'd probably fly out the door with a frying pan or whatever comes to hand first.
but they would have heard you talking and watching TV, why keep trying.
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well who knows may not have been, it just sounded like they didnt really mean to, if theyd have wanted to really get in they would have tried with more force
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if they were drunk red they may not have even heard it
my neighbour bf did this a while back, scared the pants of me, but it was only when i turned the light on that he realsied it was the wrong house, he apologised the next day!
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Well I will never know

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