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Random Text Messages

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Drisgirl | 01:33 Sat 21st Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I have just had one from 'Kate' who wants to chat and talk dirty -it costs �1.50 to text back.

Im not daft but how did she get my number?

Anyone else got those type of random texts?


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Get her video, it`s only �3.00
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I just knew i shouldnt have posted at this time of the morning pmsl -but can one person tell me how they got my number or is it just a lottery or what?
Lol. My son got a worse one than that on his mobile. I contacted Orange about it, and they put a stop to it.
You have to text "STOP" to the number they sent you or you`ll get charged for every text they send you

And no..I`m not a subscriber lol, my mate works for a firm that sends these texts out
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Thanks peeps -thought it was a scam but didnt know what to do -im off to be pro- active before some other tart tries me on :)
Why pay �1.50 sure there are plenty of peeps on here who will talk dirty for free
These calls to mobiles are (like the random ones to land lines) generated (randomly) by a computer.When it gets a ringing tone it holds on until there is a reply,or until it can leave a text.
It doesn't know your number as such.
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Thanks all -thought someone was playing silly beggars with my phone number.

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