I had a boil come up on the back of my neck, it was really big and painful...it didnt actually burst just started going down on its own, the thing im worried about is theres still a little lump there but no pain, is this normal?
Might be normal.
There is such a thing as a "blind boil" which comes up and never bursts and on the other hand a sebaceous cyst may become infected but never discharge. If all has now settled just "wait and see"
lil75 if it is painful or if you are worried about the boil then you should speak to your practice nurse or even have a look at NHS 24 website that is often quite good.
Boils can sometimes leave scar tissue under the skin,I have one on my right calf that I have had since my teens(i'm now 40) and another on my shoulder from my early 20's.I don't think you have anything to worry about but see your GP just to be on the safe side :)