Not asking for any answers, just want to know if there is an error on Question 5. fictional detectives. I cant find the name in the question but have found a name very near to it and wondered if I have to delve further or there is an error. Thank you.
Also do you think there is an error on the Songs / Singers section # 6 , I thought it should perhaps be R N I G-- RC not R D I G , but maybe theres another song I haven't found yet...c
in the proverbs section no 10, the proverb that I know is widely accepted as ITLOTBTOEMIK, but the quiz writer has changed the third letter(L) to a C. what word beginning with C have they substituted for "land?"
4 DTB by RC put the first 2 words you are thinking together then look at the song - its the right initials then
6 RDIG by RC - Ive found that one on the net but not on every hit
Ive found an answer for this but its so odd Im hoping theres a typo
Erasmus said that Mamyalynne-its a quote not a proverb, but in this case I think the setters got quotes & proverbs mixed-I,m not searching for your obscure answer tazmac-hope I don't live to regret that, as I value your opinion thanks. Personally I'm getting fed up with people's local take on these proverbs and sayings-seems words get changed at random to what the setter believes it to be, or what local dialect says it is.
Looks as though I have stirred up a can of worms on this quiz - I hadn't got as far as the songs yet so have taken note of your alterations to the initials.
I found most of the proverbs under
and in question it did use the C