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Time for bed!!

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imhotep | 01:03 Mon 23rd Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Time for bed zebedee said!
I've had a great laugh tonight.Still got a bit of a cold.
I'm hoping that with all the fun and laughter it will cure me of my ills.As the doctor would say,laughter is the best medicine.....and I'm pretty sure he's right.
My brother's a doctor,and he should know!!

Thanks everyone for making me smile tonight.
It's been good to have a good ol' chinwag.
I will see you all again on AB very soon.
Goodnight (Nos da!!) Ice,Mrs C,Pasta,bez,Leggy & co
and god bless .....


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Night Imo, but before ya go lad ..... Please will you tell us your first name?

I'm not stalking you or owt, honest! I'm just wondering if it is very Welsh-sounding, if ya know what I mean.

Oh go on, tell us it, perleeeeeaaaassssse!!!
Nos da to you as well Imhotep (they say that in Cornwall as well I think!).
Hope you soon feel better hun. We need you to get your second wind....or perhaps not! : )
sleep well imhotep
Mamya xx
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Evening mamya. x
Nay Ice, I reckon it's Daffyd. (Probably spelt wrong).
Question Author
Oh,Mrs C.Just when I was about to go.
Well, it's a kind of Welsh name.
My first name has only three letters in it.
Look up the welsh word for the colour 'white',and then take away the letter G.
That is my name!
My middle name is not very Welsh though.
It's a 007 name.
That is all I will say!!
Night all...
Mwhahaha - I was trying to think of that one!!!
Sorry Imhotep - just having a bit of a giggle - nothing personal. x
night imho I ate the chicken leg but saved you this /FDC002/929831.jpg
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No problem Icey.
I don't get rattled that much.....

See yah!!
Flippin eck boyo, can't find a translator!

Anyhoo, goodnight buddy. Sleep well. Catch yer later! xx
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Just when I was about to go pink.
But look at that...

That's what I call a nice leg....mmmmm..very nice....
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Here we are then Mrs C. -_colours.php

Right,I am most definitely going now...

Nos da!!
Aha Imo! Is it Wyn by any chance?
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Is your name Dai? Can't spell it - but I think you know what i mean.
Question Author
Well done,ladies and gents!!
Now I really really really have to go.
My bed is crying out for me.....bed beckons in the far distance "Come on Wyn,where are you buddy,me ol' pal!!"

Nos da!!
Nos da Wyn!!!

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Time for bed!!

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