listen puddicat, if you go for a reduction in hours you will pay less tax and insurance and also probably qualify for working tax credit, which more than likely will equal your reduction, you need to go onto to site and put in your scenario and see what happens. try to be positive and work towards getting yourself in gear with what is available rather than backing away from the inevitable. It will work itsself out.
But if you qualify for working tax credit, why do overtime, slow down and relax, get your details into the database and look at what you might get, no point steaming ahead when you havn't got all the fuel on board
dot have had tax credits before no way will i have them again, what they give still doesnt pay enough to cover rent and council tax,its a con better off trying to get overtime!!!"
I work full time and so does my husband. We discussed the possibility of me going part time so I could be home when the kids get home from school. I called tax credits to see what would change. They actually said we would receive 34p less per week if I went part time. I would love to know which ' I only graduated university caus Daddy bought them a new building' moron, came up with this system!!