Stress incontinence in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Stress incontinence

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Liz65 | 14:22 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
Those of you who have it will know what it is. I want to know what, if anything, can be done about it. At first it was just when I sneezed or coughed (stand still with legs crossed) but now there are small uncontrollable leaks. Any advice anyone? Many thanks.
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first thing this site suggests is pelvic floor exercises -


good luck!
I suffered with this about 18 years ago and as I was into playing a lot of sports at the time it could be really embarrassing. The doctor sent me to the hospital physio which I attended 3 times a week for a month where they attached me to a machine with 'pads' in strategic places. This then sent shocks through the pads to rapidly contract muscles to strengthen the pelvic floor - it was excellent and I've had no trouble since.
You need to see your GP as you may have a weakness in the front vaginal wall known as a cystocoel. There are other causes but only a Gynaecologist which be able to bring them to light.
My step mum was given tablets to take by her gp and she is almost cured! She had bad stress incontinence, and urge incontinence too, not sure what they are called but if u google or ask ur gp then u should get the answer.

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