I'm here now, what were your other 2 wishes? lol No, seriously though - if you did have one wish what would it be? would it be something for everyone or would you be "selfish" and wish for something just for you? Oh, and you can't vote for 2 more wishes or any more wishes
I wish I could play back my life so far on DVD, just to look back and remember all the good bits (ffwd the rotten ones and pause at the unbelievable!!)
Wish my mum had seen my children, she died when i was 5 months pregnant with my first, all she ever wanted was to see me with a baby, well i was 32! My husband was'nt there when both our children were born, I was rushed to theatre with both of them at the last minute and it still hurts like hell that he could,nt be there,when he had been there every step of the way
When I cut my own hair I use two mirrors and a lot of contorsionism. I tried letting mrs. landie do it once and she put a bid runway down the middle of my grade two with the bare blade.
I'd like to win the lottery. That way I could make a good few dreams come true for others. I know money doesn't buy happiness but I have a few friends who could be happy if they could only get out of the financial hole they are in. I haven't any family now so I could afford to wave a few wands for friends. I'd like to feel secure myself, too, instead of the worry about the bills which seem to have taken over my life!