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Wedding List Company

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Cmitchell | 11:10 Sat 28th Feb 2009 | Shopping & Style
2 Answers
In your opinion which is the best wedding list provider?

Debenhams? M&S? John Lewis? House of Fraser??

Please tell me your experiences, good or bad, need to sort this quickly!

Cheers in advance


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i would guess that most people have their wedding list in one or at most two places. Therefore, giving a comparison of the 4 you mentioned will be practically impossible for anyone. Which shop do you like best? Who will have the things you need?

On a personal level, i had mine in John lewis with no problems at all, but that was driven by the fact we had a very large "home" version of john lewis close to where we were living in high wycombe. There was no home department m and s or HoF near us, so that cut out that choice. Whatever you decide, good luck - there is nothing so much fun as going round a shop making a fantasy list of everything you want, and not knowing which bits you will get!
When my brother got married a couple of years ago he had a wedding list with Debenhams. I personally wasn't impressed as the present I bought him he never received, they sent him something else instead as what I'd ordered was out of stock, but never informed him that what he received was a replacement. It was only a chance conversation I had with him that brought this up because Debenhams also didn't inform me, even though I'd ordered through the internet.

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