I have a Goodmans DAB radio cd player,but the cd player has stopped working,any ideas as to what the problem is.
It is approx 14 months old & not been used that much.
Well "stopped working" hardly gives us much to go on does it.
If I said to you "my car has stopped working what do you think it is" then I doubt you could suggest anything.
While 14 months is not very long, we do tend to live in a throw away society for cheaper electrical equipment (and Goodmans are the cheaper end of the market).
I would take it back to Comet (I think they are the only people who sell Goodmans) and see if they will exchange it.
If they wont then it is probably not worth getting it fixed so I would throw it away and buy another.
A shame but that is the way it is.
When I go to my local council rubbish top it amazes me the number of TVs, computers, and other electrical equipment being thrown away.
this is often due to dust or deposits on the lens. use a q tip soaked in meths /tape head cleaner and gently clean the lens. beyond that, it could be the laser diode which has failed, so would be uneconomic to repair , sadly.
Don't waste money on 'cd lens cleaners' - they don't work and the brushes can even damage the laser block. if the disc is not recognised, it won't spin up (and hence, won't touch the laser) anyway!
I've got one of those, and the same thing happened to it. I moved it from its usual place, thinking it was just a pile of rubbish, and then it worked the next time I tried it. No problems since! Don't know if the surface it was standing on was uneven, or what, but ....????