OMG! How much did that hurt! in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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OMG! How much did that hurt!

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kira000 | 18:22 Mon 02nd Mar 2009 | Body & Soul
36 Answers
Not sure what that was, heartburn possibly, but it was the most painful thing i've ever felt (including breaking 2 toes on a plane).

Sitting minding my own business, and suddenly, WHAM! My entire upper stomach area goes into total spasm. I could feel it scrunching up and the muscles tweaking, and sharp pains.

Just about managed to make it upstairs, panting, and (sorry about this bit!), after parting company with some of my lunch, i now feel much better! Pain gone!

Didnt know what to do with myself for a while (about 20 minutes) there!

Anyone got any good suggestions what to do next time? Would drinking a cup of plain hot water help relax it?

P.S, no it wasnt indigestion (i know what thats like) as i didnt eat much for lunch, nor that quickly- i wasnt even feeling full when it happened.!
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kira sorry thats not pain listen and learn from gormy lol!!!
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Ahh Puddi. Yes, it may be true that there are downsides to getting older, But on the upside(to refer to your thread on CB), i now earn enough to be able to afford to buy the matching EDP, EDT, Moisturiser and shower gel for my favourite perfume, and for more than one!
I think shaving pubic hair is all wrong.
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Epilating isnt the same as shaving... Shaving cuts the hair, epilating pulls them out by the root..
kira what does that mean, t rying to tell you why you are suffering from heartburn!!!
try googling 'oesophogeal spasm' and see how it compares with what you experienced.
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Sorry Puddi. I know. It just means that I was just trying to look on the brightside, and find something positive about aging, now that we've ascertained from Gormless that Death is now my shadow, and that cheese and dairy etc are likely to disagree with me more now that i'm getting older!
I shaved it all off down below once. I got very cold and a girl said to me is that it then? It's not cool to shave the pubes.
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One doesnt necessarily need to remove everything Gormless. But i feel it is preferable to be neatly groomed!

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Thanks Ethandron. Very useful.

I am wary of reading internet descriptions and self diagnosing, but yes, it certainly did sound remarkably like what was described.

I'll keep it filed in the back of my mind, and if the OH isnt ill tonight, and it happens to me again, i may pull it back out for reference.
Good job too, because total shaving looks like raw haddock.
I had acid reflux once and it was exactly like you described - I have never known pain like it and seriously would not wish it on my worst enemy - I don't know if that's the same as what ethandron is describing.

I found it was worse if I didn't eat (no food in the stomach for the acid to act on = acid acting on stomach wall instead = more acid = reflux).

Until I got to a doctor I found that about 6-8 Rennie eaten in quick succession helped a whole bunch - it wasn't immediate, but it did give relief.
I had excrutiating chest pain just after I had my first child. it felt like an elephant was sat on my chest. It would come on, a bit like a contraction, and reach a peak, where it remained for about 5 mins and then gradually tailed off again. It was agony, and so painful, don't forget, this was just a couple of weeks after giving birth, and I would rather have gone through the labour again!!! Had repeated episodes over a 3 month period.

It turned out to oesophagitis related to gall stones. Once my gall bladder was removed, never had the pain again.

If it happens again, I would recommend you see your GP.

Have you tried baking soda? It always works for me - about a teaspoonful in a little water. You'll even come to like the taste, which is really pretty horrible at first.
Sounds like the problem due to 'freshly baked roll'.
kira...good morning...I have been thinking......ethandron probably has the correct diagnosis........Oesophageal Spasm.

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