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Dental dilemma

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Barquentine | 09:53 Tue 03rd Mar 2009 | Health & Fitness
1 Answers
A friend of mine has had to have several teeth removed from his lower row. He only has 9 left. His dentist says they can't 'bridge' the lost teeth. Apparently the only way is to have individual false teeth inserted which would cost �10,000! Does anyone know a cheaper or alternative way he could replace the 8 missing teeth (4 on each side I think)? Thanks


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Did the Dentist not suggest a denture - if he dose'nt fancy the plastic type, he could go for a metal (titanium) denture.

Depending on what size and how many teeth are needed, it could cost from around �500.00. This type of denture fits much better (I have had my top one for 35 years now).

Dentists nowdays don't seem to favour 'bridges' much, they tend to always suggest 'implants' which are around �2,500 each tooth !!!!

When he has had his teeth removed and the healing process is finished, I would suggest he find himself a Dental Technican (these are people who make false teeth, crowns, bridges etc) for the actual Dentists. They sometimes have a better understanding of 'replacement' teeth than the dentist.

Good Luck

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