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PC or Laptop?

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brawburd | 15:45 Sun 01st May 2005 | Technology
3 Answers
For a family with 2 adults and a 6 year-old child.  Would a laptop be sufficient.  Probably would be mostly used for internet, digital pics and games.  Any ideas or comments greatly appreciated.


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a pc.

better/easier for games,easier to upgrade and cheaper for higher specs

For what you state you require a computer for I would go for a PC for sure, especially for the 6 year old, (dont really want a laptop thrown accross the room do we) ?Seriously, for what use you need a computer for a PC is more practical  also there are some great deals around now on PC's so you should get a really good one for what you would pay for a laptop,  the digital pictures part swung it for my decision on this question.Anybody else???

Spill coffee , soup suger toffee etc on a PC keyboard and you'll most likely need a new keybord.

Spill coffee , soup suger toffee etc on a laptop  keyboard and you'll most likely need a new laptop.

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PC or Laptop?

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