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stompe | 19:00 Tue 03rd Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Make this Site Better? and bring the nice people back?


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why oh why do batman and robin think they have any credence on this site, it doesnt matter how long you have been on this site does it, it aint your site!!!
Batman and Robin!!!!! PMSL, very good, and so apt.

Personally I would have tried to manouevre the word "turd" in a few more times.
hi gormy i am a being decent!!!
hi stompe im nice
evening all what are we bickering about tonight
Hi ruthann - I hope they don't start bickering, it's very tiresome and spoils the site for everyone.
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Im not!!
Some people may just have better things to do than come here (no offence meant), and others may have found other sites that they like better. There are all sorts of people on this site, the nice, the rude the downright ignorant but it is only a website and you choose who you interact with or not. Well, that's my take on it anyway.

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