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Telephone Battery

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scotman | 16:29 Wed 04th Mar 2009 | Technology
2 Answers
My telephone has answer machine facility. It uses a PP3 type battery to maintain memory. Which is the longest lasting type to use for this application?


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just seen this ... and my impression is from a different angle

the answering machines I've seen use a mains power unit for power (mainly) - but have a battery as a standby in case of cuts

so if chuck's right ... chucks right - lithium all the way

if it's just as a standby - all being well it will never actually be used .... so you just need a long lived battery

in which case nip to the supermarket and look at the expiry dates
I got a duracell last week that expires march 2014 (if you don't use it!)

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Telephone Battery

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